Catalog for businesses - AMGA

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Catalog for businesses

Exceptionally good products exactly the way you want them

At AMGA we take pride in the excellence of our products, and we continually strive to expand our product catalog to meet your growing needs.

We offer western beef, double A and triple A meats, always aged to perfection. The Canadian fresh poultry that we select for our customers must meet our quality standards. We also carry a range of other products including seafood, deli and dairy goods.

Shopping for fresh and frozen products at AMGA should always be an easy task. Within our product catalog, you will find everything AMGA has to offer your business. Special cuts and packaging can be prepared according to your specifications.

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Contact us

Need some more information or looking for a product that is not in our catalog? We are here to help. Our customer service team is available from Monday to Friday, 6 am to 5 pm, and can be reached at 514-273-8848 or toll-free at 1-877-304-5368

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